Most of the time students turn to their friends with problems, but friends often don’t know the best way to be helpful.

But in as little as 30 minutes, students can learn how to better support their friends who are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, even having thoughts of suicide, all by completing one of the online Kognito Interactive training simulations.

Each training simulation takes 30–60 minutes to complete and is structured as a virtual practice environment where users learn by engaging in interactive role-play conversations with emotionally-responsive student avatars. It’s easy to participate. Just visit Kognito Interactive and create a new account.

There are a variety of simulations, including how to support LGBTQ students who are struggling due to harassment or exclusion, as well as how to assist student veterans who are facing challenges adjusting to college life.

After you complete at least one of the training modules, print your certificate of completion and bring it with your student ID card to Health Promotion and Wellness in 187 McCormick Hall to receive your coupon for a free Einstein’s beverage. The coupon expires at the end of the spring 2014 semester.